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A Place chooses the people and not vice versa.



Sands of Prince Edward

Singing sand, also called whistling sand or barking sand, is sand that produces sound. The sound emission may be caused by wind passing over dunes or by walking on the sand. Certain conditions have to come together to create singing sand: The sand grains have to be round and between 0.1 and 0.5 mm in diameter. The sand has to contain silica. The sand needs to be at a certain humidity. The most common frequency emitted seems to be close to 450 Hz. There are various theories about the singing sand mechanism. It has been proposed that the sound frequency is controlled by the shear rate. Others have suggested that the frequency of vibration is related to the thickness of the dry surface layer of sand. The sound waves bounce back and forth between the surface of the dune and the surface of the moist layer, creating a resonance that increases the sound's volume. The noise may be generated by friction between the grains or by the compression of air between them. Other sounds...

Borders of USA

Have you heard of Haskell free library? I felt this amazing. The library has some parts of 'The Worlds Longest Border' running inside... This border that runs between two extremely powerful nations that has great relations between each other has much more interesting stories to say. It runs between the runways, libraries, forests and public places. How'd it be when two flights from different nations runs parallel reaching different destinations? Entered from US must exit to US. Entered from Canada must Exit to Canada. Guard force will be taking action otherwise. If you are IN from Canada  and OUT to US by mistake report soon to the "walking area"... Americans sit on the right chair but Canadians sit on the left chair ! :) That table has an amazing fate. What if a Canadian is pulling the table to their side when US people are sitting in those chairs ? :) Interesting !

Mu Silence outBrokeN


Ancient Linguistics

What came first, Sanskrit or Tamil? This is a very relevant and unanswered question for the present. Unclear evidences suggests that tamil was the oldest laguage but supporting clear evidences are missing till date. Sanskrit literature tells about 4 yuga's namely satyayuga, tradayuga, dwaparayuga and kaliyuga. Satya yuga is described as the period in history where, the holy cow of dharma dwells with 4 legs, where the land witnesses dharmic and legitimate people only. Sbsequently in the following yuga's the holy cow loses one leg each say in tretayuga, the cow stands in 3 legs which is symbolic that 1/4th of people on land are adharmic. In dwapara yuga cow stands in 2 and at kaliyuga cow stands in a single leg. Tamil litrature says that satyayuga is called giriyugam which means people lived in 'giri' or mountain peaks i.e, caves and dens. Next yuga for them is tarayuga or the yuga of ground or space. According to them, by tretayugam poppulation has increased and p...

Put some colours

Its a festival and my photography here to add some colours and thoughts to your mind. Let's fill our heart with colours of life