
Equality of Nature

              Mr/Mrs.  Ants and Me      I n our world of expression and fantasies we're likely to miss out many adventures and opportunities that we care about. We may be forced to adventures we dislike and even terrible things happen in life. "We care about" is an expression to be used carefully because why at all do we care about things we care? Certainly that was confusing but things we care are no more our care. Nature behave differently at different times because its bounded by time. Here the point is "Differently" because that difference is different for different. If someone ask you what are your boundaries; in general for a human being it looks like, he's not good at 'this' but I'm good at 'that' or for some instance I'm good at nothing like me. How does nature enforce equality on animals? Me the author of this blog is good at nothing but there are people who looks like a pro. Where i...


This is a poem I got from an unknown watsapp pen. The content impressed me, which brings it here. :) This poem is dedicated to all TEACHERS I AM A_ *TEACHER...* _I May be a_ *School Teacher,* _I May be a_ *College Lecturer,* _I May be a_ *University Professor !* *Behind That Doctor,* _It is Me, a Teacher •••_ *Behind That Engineer,* _It is Me, a Teacher •••_ *Behind That Statistician,*  _It is Me, a Teacher •••_ *Behind That Nuclear Physicist,* _It is Me, a Teacher•••_ *Behind That Mathematician,* _It is Me, a Teacher •••_ *Behind That Scientist,* _It is Me, a Teacher •••_ *Behind That Zoologist,* _It is Me, a Teacher •••_ *Behind That Entomologist,* _It is Me, a Teacher •••_ *Behind That Botanist,* _It is Me, a Teacher •••_ *Behind That Economist,* _It is Me, a Teacher •••_ *Behind That Entrepreneur,* _It is Me, a Teacher •••_ *Behind That Lawyer,* _It is Me, a Teacher •••_ *Behind That Political Scientist,* _It is Me, a Teacher •••_...

The Isha trip

My trip to Isha Foundation was exiting as the trip itself was unexpected and against odds. My companions had to leave somewhere leaving me alone, when I felt so bored I started for this trip. Isha yoga centre at Coimbatore was the nearest and I had a day's time to spend alone there. The place is a forest area in the western ghats near velligiri where we a see a lot of tree lined up. I spent almost an hour staring at the statue of Adiyogi. There is even a place to meditate in the mid to tourist near the statue. I received a kind of sacred 'thertha' there. I thought that was it but people cannot come there for only this... I saw an entrance to a temple like thing. The entrance showcased some rock carvings and beautiful font writing of ' Isha'. I got to cross the road and pass the entrance, walk straight past the trees lined on the way. When I reached the next entrance to enter the place they collected my phone , phone no age and even took my picture. I had leave ...


1)  ‘Secret papers on Rafale deal stolen,’ AG K.K. Venugopal tells SC 2) Rafale documents: we are committed to protecting our sources, says N. Ram, The HIndu publishing group chairman. 3) Facebook's future is privacy focused, says Zuckerberg 4) Much depends on the DMK and the AIADMK holding their outright dominance in the Lok Sabha polls in Tamil Nadu 5) Anganwadi services have a poor reach among key beneficiaries – the poorest of the poor and uneducated mothers – according to a paper published in a WHO bulletin recently.                                          ..............…

World of happiness and pain


Aligning Universal forces : Blind on an elephant's view

What do you think is the force that sustains the universe keeping together the stars planets moon etc. What makes asteroids fall and moon rotate and earth spin. Do you really know how the objects are arranged in galaxy? With more advancement in technology life reached moon and other planets which once was considered impossible but still it is uncertain that how things are aligned in space. Aristotle stated that earth is round in shape dated 340 BC. Aristotle arrived at this conclusion because he could see the sail of a ship first then the bottom when a ship is approaching a port. As a Greek traveler he also observed earth's shadow on moon everyday and it appeared round, so earth should be a sphere. Ptolemy said that earth is the center of the universe and all other objects which include planets and  stars like sun revolve around earth . With Ptolemy's build on how universe looks like all christian calendars accepted the plot. His plot was that each object has its own sphere ...

See the Sea (Fiction)

                   V isiting a coastal land seemed always interesting to me as it looks like the nature enjoying the breeze. Every-time one visits a seabed one gets relaxed from all the worldly worries and toughness of life. Some gets chilled with happiness where another group gets to meditate over the past and present resulting in a complete nullity and happiness. There is still an another group which takes significant decisions in life facing the sea which is like looking at the life and making a turn. There are still other emotions one undergoes facing the sea. Its like a son weeping in front of his/her mother accepting the past and staring at the present looking forward for the future.        People are caught in different substances which they feel annoying which certain another group may not feel annoying rather they feel disgusting or pleasant. Still another section of people may feel  that same subject ...